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RSS Devlen K.

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

How do they know that he was the first person to find North America? Why didn't he settle here and create a colony of his own. So by all rights Amerigo Vaspuchy gets all the credit im my opinion.

1 point

I agree with you, the wife and mothers have the hardest time when the Husband or son went into World War 1. They didnt know if they would ever see each other again so it was a particularly hard time for them. If the husband died the wife would be depressed and have a lot more work on their hands than they should have.

1 point

The panama canal is probably one of the greatest man-made canals in all of history. It connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans together. The way the canal works is amazing for its day. It has 3 sets of locks that allow the sea level to rise to allow it to get across Central America.

1 point

That may be, but we still got our noses into other countries business and that is what gets us into wars. We cant just keep to ourselves like we should be.

1 point

I agree, the progressive era was one of the biggest improvements for industries in the US. That improved working conditions, and food quality so less people got sick from bad food, or poor work conditions.

1 point

I agree, the Germans were so full of fire to get into the war, but as the time raged on the soldiers realized the error in their decision. So, when they lost they became full of hatred, and that just fueled the fire of revenge.

1 point

I believe that current events is a good thing. It lets us know what is happening around the world. And how everything happens and revolves around what we do and how everything plays a part.

1 point

Western Migration was one of the biggest things that have formed the US as a country. Western Migration led to the US almost doubling in size. And once we were there we found gold and started the gold rush.

1 point

World War 1 is probably one of the bloodiest wars in the world besides the American Civil War, and World War 2. There was always close quarter fighting but the thought that you might only be sleeping about 100 yards from the enemy is stifling. So close that you can look into their eyes.

1 point

Racism is one of history, because it is morally wrong in the way it is. People have discriminated different races, and how they look and how their cultcure. People have always tried to make them their slaves, and prosecute them for their beliefs. There should never have been racism because all men are created equal.

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